The living water was always part of our founder, Earl S. lchimura. Later in life, Earl found out that God had a plan for him. His experiences, education and job opportunities were part of serving Him and His people. This is exemplified in the bible verse:

But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.
— JOHN 4:14

Pural Water Specialty Co., Inc. was formed in 1988 for the purpose of meeting the needs of those who utilized water as a tool in the various utility processes. Earl worked for a Fortune 500 company that provided limited water related services in the hospitality, commercial, light industrial and heavy industrial segments of business. Customers expressed a need for other water related services of which the Fortune 500 company could not and would not provide. Earl asked and received permission to meet the needs of the customers for services requested by creating a new business.

In 1988, Pural, a sole proprietor company was formed which later evolved into Pural Water Specialty Co., Inc, a Hawaii based C Corporation. The name Pural, pronounced Pure All is derived from two meanings, first it involved what Pural initially did which was purifying and keeping water pure. Secondly, Earl believed that behind every successful man is a supportive and great wife. Earl’s wife is Allison who is called Al by many, thus Pural is also derived for Pure Al of which Al is the rock of purity behind a man that frequently stumbled.

The logo for Pural Water Specialty Co., Inc. was an inspiration that was initially drawn on a bar napkin over several beers. The logo is a water droplet split into separate segments supported by two hands. The fingers of the hands are lines that never touched. The droplet and hands are place in a sphere that encapsulates it all into one The lines that never touch and the split droplet represent the first niche service area provided by Pural involving backflow testing and repair. Backflow assemblies are plumbing devices that prevent drinking water from being contaminated from non-drinking water that can be or is contaminated, thus the backflow assemblies keep the two waters from mixing with each other. 

All service niches provided by Pural usually have a common element, water. From one service niche, Pural has grown to over 16 niches. The following describes who we are at Pural Water Specialty Co., Inc.


  1. Competent – Be prepared

  2. Courteous – Be nice (treat others as you would like to be treated)

  3. Good value – Be fair & reasonable

  4. Humble – Be local (share our aloha)

  5. Integrity – Be honest


Serve Him and His people in our marketplace.


Make this world better, one drop at a time.